February 12th, 2010.
Regrettably both Acetomatoco and Armyman30Plus have left the stage, both were regretted in their passing, as they were fountains of information and decent gentlemen. I suspect from your original post that you are dealing with a 1971 M35A2, perhaps like my "Saddam's Nightmare" in my icon. The Air compressor will be covered on the -20 ,-30 and 34P manuals downloadable from here (see "Resources" above). They rarely give problems, but now and then they will croak or malfunction. Replacement compressors should be available from White Owl Parts, Memphis Equipment Co, and others, either NOS or used. Some earlier G742 deuces (M35 series) used a two cylinder air compressor, versus the one cylinders usually seen on most of our trucks. As you have not included your residence or location in your OP, I cannot point you to any resources in your area.....
If you are in an area subject to -32*F weather, like most of use have had this week, you may want to contact Ranchhopper on here and see if he has an air brake compressor alcohol evaporator kit in stock, as these trucks need to have alcohol fed to the air brake compressors to keep the system from icing up in below freezing conditions. You won't lose you hydraulic brakes if the air brake system freezes up, just your power assist on the brakes, steering (if you have it) horn and windshield wipers, all of which makes life easier if they work.....
Look up the -10,-20,-30 and 34P manuals above, they'll be your best friends if you have an M35 truck.
Kyle F. McGrogan
N.B: I recoomend reading the -10 manual on the M35A2 ASAP, as it will make driving the truck much safer for you and others around you. Cheers,KFM.