Hey folks
I've got an 802a generator about 2500 hours
It has never given the rated power output. It is usually happy at about 2,000 watts. Anything above that and it surges.
It just started disconnecting power and the red overload light comes on. Only pulling 1600 watts of power. I have my inverters programmed to only take that much power and I can read how much is being pulled in real time.
Any thoughts what the issues might be?
You stated anything above 2000 watts causes surging. Surging usually implies the engine RPM (and gen freq) are hunting up and down, and unstable.
You also mention the overload light comes on. These are separate issues the way it's described.
Surging is usually a droop adjust or sticky governor issue with the engine. An overload light is an electrical issue.
If you can no longer reach a power level that induces surging, you need to fix the overload light issue first (typically dirty switch contacts), then address surging.
If the unit is wet stacked and can't reach full output, you still need to fix the overload light first.