I finally got started with WMO today. I've had a drum in the garage for some time, and picked up a cheap-o HF hand-crank barrel pump (that may prove to be the weak link). Got the filter and housing from NAPA as indicated in other threads here.
Once the pump was assembled, the biggest challenge was getting a hose from the pump outlet pipe into the filter. Had to step down 4 times from 1" to 3/4" to 5/8" to 1/2". Rig looks like I'm keeping hose clamp companies in business.
Cranked out about 1/2 QT just to see what it looked like. Still awful black. I wasn't expecting golden honey but I thought it would look a little clea
Set a 5 gal. can under the outlet hose and started really cranking. Got maybe a gallon into it when I notice some drops leaking out around the crank handle. Could it already be backpressure from the filter causing this? The oil is pretty cold, maybe 35 degrees this morning and was just under freezing all night. I assume it would flow better when warmer.
I'm going to crank out some more later and mix in old gas from the boat and power tools that has sat all winter (maybe 5 gal max?) and dump her in the deuce. What could go wrong?