Got some more done today.
First, found a product / tool that really does well stripping paint. They came in today and I just had to try them out. Work pretty damn good. Best thing I've tried so far. Used them on the side grinder rather than the 36 grit discs. Much better! At ~$5 each, it's probably about as cheap as any other option other than sanding discs but it does a much better and faster job.
Sandblasted most of the day today. About 7 hrs worth, less stopping to move parts, flip parts, refill sand, and take a breather. Checked my compressor hrs after I was done blasting, blowing sand off, painting, blowing more sand off, cleaning paint gun, etc. Only added 2 hours run time to the hour meter on the compressor after using it ALL day. Running sandblaster wide open at 125 psi for hours and hours + about 5-10 psi on the blasting hood and still only put 2 hours run time on the compressor! I'm pretty happy about that!
Anyway, blasted some doors in all the cracks an corners and crevices that can't get with the grinder and put a coat of primer on them before they started rusting.
Tried out the new grinder discs on another door. It's ready for blasting now.
Put the motor assembly back on the skid assembly! FINALLY, I put something back together on this project!!!!.
Check out my new, hi tech, see thru oil drain hose! All I could get in 1" ID.