1: Any civilian air brake trailer will work with tactical military trucks having air or air/hyd systems , doesn't matter ..
2: The trailer gladhands hook to their respective receps in same manner as they do in the commercial world ..
3: The inverse is also true: a commercial truck with air can haul a military air or air/hydraulic trailer .. ( be careful of where
the landing gear will be during a tight turn if it's a semitrailer, one might have to slide the 5th wheel all the way back or fold
back the legs) ..
4: For decades, I have performed both sides of the situation ..
5: as Jbulach said above, the deuce will do fine without a johnnybar as long as its system works as it should.. I add the following
to be more specific, your civilian trailer brakes have to be adjusted right up to where they need to be .. I have been guilty of
using the johnnybar in military and commercial trucks to compensate for trailer brakes that need to be tightened up ..
6: as you know, there is no better assistant than a johnnybar when starting on hills , thus if I had a deuce hauling an equip trailer,
I would also want to install a johnny in it, like you