Well i fixed the leaks, then proceeded to put the last 700 gallons of water in. Well when we built it, we used heavy duty brackets, lag screws, washers, all the good stuff.... appearently on one corner, we forgot to reinforce the part that the brackets bolted to... well lets just say, if i had waited around 30 seconds longer, i would have ridden a 1200 gallon wave out the front door of my shed!
so i have it all unbolted now, everything is now reinforced with 4x4's and 4x6's, bigger bolts.... and more duck tape!
just gotta put it all back together and this rain is definitely not helping
and it may not exactly be the speed of the pump, some of the algae that have flagella just wont survive being pumped, those are types where you need a raceway with a paddlewheel instead of a pump
I dont want to use closed off tanks yet, just because i like to have unrestricted movement until i get all of the processes down and repeatable