Jet fuel is usually spelled out in a JP rateing, the rateing is dependent on a number of factors, Viscosity, lubricity, ash content, flash point, surfactant additives ( to combat water and alge growth) and specific gravity. Jp 1 was commonly in use in all AF aircraft into the mid 80s , jp 5 and 8 are very similar but the actual additive make up is varied. Jet AI is a civilian jet fuel commonly used in the airline industry. it and its more recent varients are more economy and Pollution control orientented. The USAF is the worlds largest single enitiy user of Jet Fuel in the world, the average air force base stores MILLIONS of gallons on any given day. A single Trim Check on an F-16 can eat up 60 thousand pounds in a jiff, and if you have a complex problem you can have a steady stream of R -10 refuellers stack up. The Air force also Uses SPECIAL or did, to fuel SR-71s, the fastest Jet in the world! Now if your real good you wil figure that out, but honestly I have lived in Jet Fuel and none of it is unaduterated! each manufacture has a slightly different recipe