Warren, you need to add your location in the signature. This is one of the requirements for posting and was included with your welcome email. As far as dating your truck, you can usually find manufacturing dates on axles, wheels, diffs, trans, transfer case and so on. If a bunch of them seem to run around the same time, that probably an indication of the year of the truck. The serial number is stamped on the left frame rail to the rear of the steering box. It will have 4 numbers a dash or space then 5 numbers. Can't figure a date from it but the first 4 almost always indicate the original configuration of the truck. Removing the bed is a piece of cake. 4 bolts in the rear of the bed and you can drop the trailer wiring plug. then there are 5 bolts per side (2 with springs) that need to be removed and the bed can be lifted off. It might be easier to remove the pioneer tool rack on the left front of the bed as it hangs under the cab just a but but its not totally necessary.