At Big Bend, a lot depends on what week/weekend you go. Last time I was down there, we were tripping over people for the first two days, on the third day we were suddenly about the only ones around, lasted for the rest of the time we were there.
The weekend before we were there some big motocross event was going on in Marathon and then next weekend, starting Friday, is the annual Teriligua Chili Cookoff. Those were the primary reasons we picked the date we did. Next year we could go a bit earlier and probably have just as good of weather but it was still in the mid-80s or better for day time temps. Yesterday morning was the only really cool day and the Titan thermometer said 44 when we pulled out of the campground at 0715.
One of the Primitive Roads that we did was the West River Road. It is definitely
Primitive. There were a couple of spots where we weren't sure if we were on the road or not and it turned out we weren't and had to turn around and find it again. We ran across a couple of ijiots on
street bikes that were doing the whole road from Rio Grande Village to Cottonwood Campground, about 55 miles and we met them about mile 42 into their trip. The lead rider seemed kind of okay with how things were going (probably his idea to do it) but the guy on the second bike was
not a happy camper and you could tell even though we didn't speak to him. We only did about 15 miles in and 15 back out and it was an adventure in the trucks. Those poor guys were fighting loose sand and gravel for miles so got a substantial workout.
We did scout out a remote campsite that was fairly easy to get to (Croton Springs), had two camp spots with bear boxes, and room to park 4
BIG trucks easily (you can have 2 vehicles and 2 tents per camp site) that would make a great meeting spot next year. It's on what's called an Unimproved Road, basically just a gravel road, and you could get to it in a Honda Civic without any problem. The other option is reserving the Group Camp site at Cottonwood but you have to have reservations and a minimum of 9 people so not sure we could get that all wrangled together with people committing and dropping out and changing their minds about coming or not coming at the last minute. Probably better to just say "we're going and we're going to try and be at
this spot,
this day." Cell coverage is hit or miss (mostly miss) throughout the park so you couldn't depend on contacting anyone once you're there.