Hey you're new here, welcome aboard. What the heck is wrong with Service New Brunswick? Within North America: 1-888-762-8600 (no charge dial). I was on hold for 15 minutes. Maybe Alberta is still working for the people because we take the number off the frame into the 'private' DMV branch, they run the number to see if any stolen hits come up, then they register us. The boys just insured and registered MLVW's so credit is due to our Alberta DMV I guess.....it even has MV in the title.
What the heck happens if someone moves to the bunkers in NB around Grand Manon, St. Andrews or the central heating plant at Gander. If I move unregistered parade vehicles from Alberta, I now wonder if NB will help get them on the road. Does not sound like they've been very helpful.
After 14 years I've only seen a half dozen trucks get registered. Finding what you're looking for might be possible from a mine company or farmer but geez man there's got to be an easier, faster way.