I think we ....the green community....the MV iron mentalists, the Steel Soldiers, this special interest group will take responsibility for our problems.
With many MV enthusiasts just quietly doing our own thing.....they don't know we're out there! The public, politicians, veterans groups, our educators....and our future planners.....they don't know hysterical and historical collectors save old military gear for all the reasons that we're going to talk about.....from now on..... we must get out and mingle with those making important decisions.
The opportunity is simple. We let them know we're out there....and maybe explain why we do it.....but let them know we're there.
In the new carbon capture future,,,,why would anyone want to operate decades old equipment.......????? I will leave links to the folks that are making those decisions and direct contact info to the Canadian story.
At this moment a group of future planners are deciding which carbon producers they need to shut down first. It's a brutal job trying to decide how to phase out internal combustion engines. It could be anticipated that NASCAR, Diesel truck racing, leisure boats.....massive fuel consumers and black carbon blowers would see restrictions first.........but not us. That decision is being made and if the wrong decision is made....we can change that.
I spent the time getting to know some of these future planners and they're nice folks. Many are mothers, sisters, daughters and bold decision makers that have little to no knowledge about the green community.....the MVironmentalists of the future....the end user of HMV's.
My sisters and Mother asked why I bought an MV. After a long period of crying, they helped me get 10 more.
We are a special interest group, separated by distance, divided in our needs to repurpose old green iron but always together to help others or simply display history.
Many influential sources are working on a path they hope is best for everyone. I wrote my representative yesterday and simply let him know we're out here. I explained my decade long MV journey and how we use the vehicles. I asked for clarification on his position and included ' For the Public Record ' on the top of my email so I can share the reply with everyone.
My first thought is reasonable people will work this out quickly but in the meantime, let them know we're out there.....they're generally really nice folks just doing what they think is right in their limit of exposure to any MV.
Looking closely at all the arms of this organization and what appears to be a lobby of folks that could take our hobby in a positive direction, we need to co-habitat with these people to get them on the team., nothing else!
There is a stall in the process so contact your local reps and let them know why the MV future can be friendly. Here's a little blurb on the website
"""""""""The Association has begun to formulate a new strategic framework and the current framework has been extended to 2022 in recognition of the unusual nature of operating during the pandemic. The
2019-2022 Strategic Framework """""""""
It's fantastic that we have an Alberta representative we can talk to and share our MV story as well as ask him about his ties to the AAMVA.
I always say the President of any organization has the most difficult job and at the same time, finds terrific solutions to challenges. She clearly loves trucks with all the experience she has. """"" Prior to her appointment to FMCSA, Ferro led the Maryland Motor Truck Association as its President and Chief Executive Officer """""""
Influential people need to know how many of us are willing to sacrifice our income, time and hearts, to give interested folks a ride in our MV.....as well as preserve history. Make sure she knows we're out there. Even a quick hello with a picture is better than not saying anything....."For the Public Record". Public oversight is a good thing.
AAMVA is a non-governmental, voluntary, tax-exempt, nonprofit educational association. AAMVA is a private corporation which strives to develop model programs in motor vehicle administration, police traffic services, and highway safety.
The list of MV supporters within the AAMVA is big so reaching out with positive stories to the board will only grow that support. They don't know we're here so it just makes sense we say hello.
With Texas, .....yes I said Texas,....Arizona, Florida, Virginia and a bunch of other states on the lists for meetings, ....some HMV static displays at these events will bring attention to the beauty of MV ownership and create some smiles. We operate vehicles covered in camo so we need to get out of the trucks, say hello and point them out. No wonder they don't know we're out there.
Our current occurrences did not occur overnight and the cure is in the hands of reasonable MV owners reasoning with reasonable, yet unaware policy makers. These following legislative notices have driven this process so if 'public oversight' catches this stuff before someone tries to make an unreasonable law......... We the People are responsible.
If you have driven an MV to British Colombia or Canada and enjoyed the scenery, the B.C. tourism minister wants to hear from you. My M1010 spent time in BC and I just know she wants me back.
This is her page with the email address which is conveniently copied below. We should ask if we can still visit in our MV's?
If your local media needs to contact B.C. tourism on your behalf to determine if MV's are welcome in Canada from our loving neighbours the United States of America......after you contact your local media, they can contact the ministers media representative over here.
Media Contacts
Carla Wormald
Direct: 778-698-8199 Cell: 250-208-4309
Alternate: Corinna Filion
Direct: 250-882-0918 Cell: 250-882-0918
From the 2012 static display at the Vimy Memorial on Department of National Defence property, with publicly owned MV's, for the current cadets, the public and Canadians lost while serving in the First World War, Let us continue to March.