I think a petition and letters both sound promising. I'm still looking for someone to organize us, any volunteers? I did hear from Phil and he does have a meeting with the DOR (they are over the DMV) to see if we can get them to follow the law as passed. I think that there still needs to be an effort to get new legislation, I worry that the "historical" could be narrowly interpreted to exclude more modern vehicles, vehicles that have been modified (does adding a spin on filter keep you from legally registering you deuce?), and vehicles that have paint jobs that are not military issue (gun truck replicas would be a good example here). I'll start the list, pipe up if you can tackle one of these:
1. Someone to organize us, keep track of who is doing what, schedule events, coordinate visits, establish a unified message.
2. Start a petition
3. Start a google document or similar sharing option where we can put reserch, information, stock letters, photos, and stories to help our cause
4. Visit or contact other groups (we will need many liaisons for these groups)
Veterans Groups (VFW, Wounded Warriors, etc.)
Active Military groups (The state just declared that the vehicles they drive every day for work should not be allowed on the road?)
Car / truck collectors clubs
1st responders (fire, search and rescue)
groups with military and outdoor ties (ROTC, Boy and Girl scouts)
5. Write letters. this on doesn't go away, everyone should write a letter to anyone they think can help. Take a listen to the debate:
http://coloradoga.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=49&clip_id=13277 there are some people in that debate that are on our side and would be a good place to start (beyond just the sponsors)
6. Anything else you think will help.
I hope we can make Colorado a MV friendly state.