My filter is leaking too. .
They had a problem with the fuel pressure switch body leaking, which is that round thing you're left staring at if you take the filter off the base. It doesn't even do anything on the CUCVs except interface to the STE/ICE tester, from what I remember, but they were cheap enough at Front Line Military Vehicle Parts that I just replaced the two that were leaking in the CUCVs I deal with regularly and problem solved. I just dug the old one out with a screwdriver, I think, and reinstalled the new one with an appropriately-sized socket.
The other thing they had problems with was the early versions of the bleeder screws/seals. Wish I could tell you what an early bleeder looks like compared to a late one but I honestly don't remember. Anyhow, they drip too.
One day someone's going to have to collate all the various CUCV problems and woes from the army's 'PS' magazine into a handy-dandy reference book. I'm sure there'll be lots of takers.