For some strange reason I only received mention about the last message on the board, calling out for some long overdue update.
My apologies for the delay in any update, but my main job, family and my house took up the bulk of my time.
I have found some time, while on a job in the north of France to reroute my way back home through Michelsbeke in Belgium, that's where Jaap Rietveld lives.
although the detour took me about 6 hours drive extra it was definately worth it. Thanks for the info!
I also bought a copy of the parts book in the UK which is a wealth of info.
And in the mean time I came into contact with Jon Warneke from Iron Shipwrights who makes a 1/32 versin of it.
So........there definately was progress on the Cletrac model design.
As the next pictures hopefully will show.
Mind you these are by far not perfect yet, but I'm getting closer.
Any info/questions/comments/critic is welcome.