What is the definition of a dry start?
If an engine is started after being off for a few minutes, is it still a "dry start"? Apparently UPS has no problem with shutting down and restarting their engines 40 or more times/day.
The bearings remain lubed after a shut down, the question is for how long, a day or a week?
I'm testing D-man's system and with the long connections, adapters and the oil cooler still to fill (pressurize), it takes about 5 seconds to full pressure compared to about 8 seconds with the mil spec filter system.
If we want instant oil pressure, pre-lube pumping is the way to go. A pre-lube system with a bypass filter would be the perfect solution, which also would not effect the extreme cold weather operation of these engines for which they were designed.
If you need to preheat the oil in a cold weather situation, you can't have oil trapped in filter canisters, at least not full-flow types.
Convenience of changing filters? The empty upside-down canisters are very easy to change and the elements can easily be inspected and they are easier to dispose of, carrying no oil.
Note: The dip stick oil level will be different when some of the oil is trapped in the filters, don't fill to "full" level any longer.