Travis, good talking to you. Looks like you've helped to prove that this is NOT the myth that so many seem to think it is. As to a repair...
I found an old link to a site "Waterloo Specialties" that was machining and refurbing mainshafts for an 0.69 OD gear ratio. Pretty cool, but pricey. Was wondering if they might be able to rehab a mainshaft by welding it up like a crank, cutting four better/larger keyways and rehardening. As you said on the phone, these trannys just wont take pulling out in 2nd/HI. There just isn't enough area on the key to take tha torque.
I'll bet there are alot of guys out there riding on the edge of failure or whose 2/3 gear has spun and "welded" to the shaft. I was thinking about your idea of cross drilling and using a hardened roll pin. I'm wondering if you then wouldn't simply see more mainshaft breakage due to the compromised shaft cross section?
I think machining the mainshaft to take four full length (gear width) hardened keys with a rectangular cross section on the key is probably the best/most cost effective long term solution.
Now if we can just find a good mainshaft. Hopefully, the one from the gasser is OK!
Here the like to the OD site -
.69 overdrive for M-35 and variants
Let me know - Bob
Oh and yeah - like I said on the phone, even with the snow, the weather here in NM has got to be better than MI. Heck, I just now fired up the furnace in the house because the Mrs. was "chilled" in the AM. Snow will be melted and we'll be back up to 60 this weekend.