im posting in alt fuels because honestly im just being optimistic my problem is personal stupidity and not mechanical malfunction.
ive been running diesel and occasionally strait gas (usually had some diesel in the tank so i want worried and don't do it that often), when i find it ill run atf in small quantities and clean new motor oil
ive had some issues with a hard start but always runs fine once its started.
a month or so ago i began running WMO sometimes with diesel or gas but mostly 100% WMO, the truck seemed to be a tad more sluggish when the motor was cold but felt great when it warmed up, starting was no differant than before, 3-4 second crank with the gas depressed. i have been filtering to 10 microns with a water separator/block an ran aprox 80-100 gallons of WMO through the truck.
last week i was given 5 gallons of WVO, it was very clean and in a pinch i tossed it in (filtered through a screen just in case but there was no visible particles) the engine was warm already at the time and asside form smelling like i was driving a mobile french fry no change in performance. first cold start was another story, it ran on 3-4 cylinders for a few min then it was good to go. since then ive run 40+ gallons of diesel through the truck and yesterday i tossed in some diesel kleen. halfway home it started missing and loosing power so i assumed maybe i was low on fuel (i was just above a 1/8th when i checked the tank) so i stopped and added 10 gallons and away i went only to find no change. then it died. waited 10 min while looking over everything and started it up again. now i can get moving but i get a sudden surge of power then it dies and repeats, since im rolling in gear i dont have to restart since the engine is always spinning.
im curios if this is a result of gelling in the lines even tho its been a while since i ran WVO or it was pointed out maybe the diesel kleen broke residue free and is clogging the lines and injectors. all filters are new as of a week and a half ago and i have flow at the bleeder above the secondaries.
ive been running diesel and occasionally strait gas (usually had some diesel in the tank so i want worried and don't do it that often), when i find it ill run atf in small quantities and clean new motor oil
ive had some issues with a hard start but always runs fine once its started.
a month or so ago i began running WMO sometimes with diesel or gas but mostly 100% WMO, the truck seemed to be a tad more sluggish when the motor was cold but felt great when it warmed up, starting was no differant than before, 3-4 second crank with the gas depressed. i have been filtering to 10 microns with a water separator/block an ran aprox 80-100 gallons of WMO through the truck.
last week i was given 5 gallons of WVO, it was very clean and in a pinch i tossed it in (filtered through a screen just in case but there was no visible particles) the engine was warm already at the time and asside form smelling like i was driving a mobile french fry no change in performance. first cold start was another story, it ran on 3-4 cylinders for a few min then it was good to go. since then ive run 40+ gallons of diesel through the truck and yesterday i tossed in some diesel kleen. halfway home it started missing and loosing power so i assumed maybe i was low on fuel (i was just above a 1/8th when i checked the tank) so i stopped and added 10 gallons and away i went only to find no change. then it died. waited 10 min while looking over everything and started it up again. now i can get moving but i get a sudden surge of power then it dies and repeats, since im rolling in gear i dont have to restart since the engine is always spinning.
im curios if this is a result of gelling in the lines even tho its been a while since i ran WVO or it was pointed out maybe the diesel kleen broke residue free and is clogging the lines and injectors. all filters are new as of a week and a half ago and i have flow at the bleeder above the secondaries.