Earl's doing ok, alhough he has some health issues, he still has the Air Force M3A1 HT. I worked out a deal with him to restore it for him, I even moved out to the country....well...desert, so I could blast and paint, then he changed his mind. I was bummed, as it's a complete all original Diamond-T M3A1, and it deserves to be in restored condition. I'm not bitter, just disappointed.
I got cancer about 5 years ago, the original doctors wrote me off, but I had a lot of people/churches praying for me, and a GREAT Dr, who listened and cared. God healed me, and it's been 5 years now cancer free.......WOO-HOO!
But it took a lot of energy out of me, and while I love my running M35A2, and M1009, I'm selling off my vehicles that need restoring, just ain't got the time, money, nor attitude to tackle such projects anymore........although I do have the hots for a M715, but no money to back it up.
I'm glad you persevered, you have some NICE vehicles. Stay in touch - Tom