There was a prototype Goat that came out of Ft.Knox
(AEB) that was a very complicated and had hydraulics
Which controlled articulation. It copied alot from the Meltracc
That was studied during development of the Goat. I tried
to buy this truck on several occassions with no luck and the
fellow that owned it passed on and it disappeared
There was a fellow here in my town that was part of the
original development team for the Goat and he had quite a bit
of the info he helped from front of the
project to the contract award to CONDEC. I saw some units
with Corvair engines,283 sb chevies,and piles of pics and data
when they tested them in Thialand. I asked to become the caretaker
of this stuff but his family threw it all away when he died......
sad that people can't see the historical value of these vehicles
and equipment. popacom/Bill