Starter location
I am, let us say, mechanically challenged, curiosly only when it comes to vehicles.
I promised myself that I was going to finally learn automotive mechanics by tinkering with a M1009 that I intend to use as a daily driver.
I have located almost all of the trouble spots on the truck that I have seen mentioned on here (Glow Plug Relay, Glow Plugs, Resistor Bank, Fuel Pump, Alternators, etc.)
I cannot locate the starter, so now I am beginning to think that it is not in there - that it is in the other guy's truck, the one that drove his off base the week before.
A lesson in humility yes, but I fully believe in Guess, Test, and Revise.
Best that I can tell, it should be between the passenger side alternator and the front battery, but I cannot see any evidence of it missing like empty bolt channels, mount, etc.
Post some pics please, I need a map
Now do your worst while launching your insults