I'm stumped here. My MEP-802A was running perfectly fine after I installed new batteries, filters, & fuel. All of a sudden it just shuts down after about a minute or so. I get an error light for fuel, but the tank is plumb full. When the unit shuts down I can immediately turn the master to 'off' and rotate it back to "prime/run" and can hear the fuel pump working, switch to start and the unit fires right up and will run again for a minute or so. I watch all the gauges and the oil pressure is 55 - 60 lbs and the temperature is spot on 180... but then with no other indication the unit will shut down. I checked the voltage at the fuel pump once the unit starts and it is between 23V and 25V and then wham... no voltage and the unit shuts down. When that happens of course there is no noise from the electric fuel pump; but, if I repeat the start cycle the electric pump immediately starts and then so does the generator. I thought there might be some sort of 'time out' if the AC contactor isn't closed soon enough; but I can place a load on the generator by opening my air compressor tank to the atmosphere and the percentage duty will go to a maximum of 75% and the voltage is spot on at 220; however, after about a minute or so the generator shuts down on "fuel error"... and it is electrical. Any suggestions? I am stumped because the fuel pump works immediately after the shut down... so it isn't the pump or fuel filters (both of which are brand new < 3 hours) and the fuel itself is also brand new. From my reading I thought there were two fuel pumps, but the same pump runs no matter which position (Aux or Prime). As I stated... I am stumped as to what is causing the electricity to the fuel pump to go away. Is there something I am missing here?? Thanks in advance for your replies...