Your childrens future just got catapaulted into the air.
Now you know why we are 15 trillon dollars in debt.
How much a pop are we paying for the "lowest bidder"?
The last time I looked we had the best fighter planes in the world.
Some corporate lobbiest (prob retired mlitary) convinced enough politicians that the pork would flow to their districts and got the program sold to the military.
Dwight Eisenhower said "beware the military industrial complex".
When we can afford it I am all for new whiz bang weapons systems, our troops deserve the best......but this country is broke and we don't need to borrow more money to keep gooberment contractors in business.
If you want to see some of the gooberment ratholes we are throwing money down go to
A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies (A):
I was pissed off before I got through the "A's".
Many of these agencies were stated for a good reason (long gone) and found ways to justify their existance. Once a government agency is created it it almost impossible to get rid of matter how useless or redundant it is.
It is not the governments place to provide jobs to citizens.
My rant for the day.