Those are the best for me, and also the best for my club (our vote tied on those two.)
I went through the thread and combined everything:
1st-2nd: works for tlauden (1 person)
8th-9th: works for tlauden, USAWEAPON777 (2 people)
15th-16th: works for tlauden, shenkmen, USAWEAPON777, MAXM37, wildchild467 (5 people)
22nd-23rd: works for tlauden, shenkmen, myself, USAWEAPON777, MAXM37 (5 people)
29th-30th: works for olddominioniron, USAWEAPON777 (2 people)
I am leaning towards the 22nd as that is what the tiebreaker at my club is leaning towards. I can make the 15th maybe, we'll see how the votes go.
Anyone else got votes / time set aside at work already? Speak up!