I'm curious if anyone else has had issues with their muffler nuts becoming lose from operating vibrations. If so I came across a product that seems to hold together for the 8 hrs I was able to test them, before having to tear down engine. NORD-LOCK NL8SP VIBRATION PROOF LOCK WASHER 5/16" paired with M8 x 1.25mm Locking Flange Nut Black Oxide Hex Exhaust Manifold Nut.

When I installed these previously the stud was short by a few millimeters, this in turn causes the locking action of the (Locking Flange Nut) to not be effective by itself. A longer stud would have to be installed to accommodate the Locking Nut(Stock stud is a M8x 1

. The Nord-Lock washer as far as I could and can tell it held up very effectively. It takes a far amount of force to remove (reason covered in video).
After reading a report of what can happen if the muffler works its self lose, I decided to search for a solution to solve this. Report follows.
Model No.–MEP 831A – 3kWSerial No.–FZA15746 At 850 hours, the muffler bolts failed on the exhaust system causing excessive vibration and broke the muffler off from the exhaust pipe where the two were welded together (Figure 3).The entire exhaust system was replaced. Total repair time was approximately 6 hours.
Figure 3. Muffler and Header Pipe Showing Broken Welds as a Result of the Muffler Bolt Failure