They actually have a newer type of netting that is mesh and then has the fake "leaves". Same Mickey Mouse looking poles. Back around 2003 we got rid of a bunch, and I mean a bunch, of the old style netting. Our TOC and TAC took up about 5-10 acres of tent space and then the whole thing had to be covered by camo netting. We would get the biggest nets they had and then just zip tie them together. One thing about the new netting is that it doesn't let near as much light through. This was for HHC III Corps at Ft Hood. It took about two weeks to set everything up and run all the wires!
Anyway I got a bunch of the netting when they threw the old stuff away. We had a motor pool sergeant that didn't understand it had to be de-milled so he was just throwing big bundles into the dumpsters. I gave it all away sadly not understanding that years later I would be bitten by the OD bug!

I probably had 3 bags (they came in big bundles that were then wrapped up into a bag and took 3-4 guys to carry).
SIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHH wish I still had it.
I love the commo shelter though. I spent a lot of time in them at Ft Gordon when I was stationed there. Most of ours were two men shelters on the back of 5-tons although we had a few of the ones on the back of HMMWVs. After I got to Ft Hood we had the commo shelters on the HMMWVs only. All our 5-tons were set up as rolling offices for my section. We had some pretty custom stuff made by government contractors. I wish I had taken pics now as it was all very neat one off stuff. Most of it was classified anyhow though I could have only taken pictures of the outsides.
You need to find an old OE-254 antenna to set-up outside.
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Good job though. Makes me want an M1028 or M1008 with a shelter in a bad way!