- 12,195
- 327
- 0
- Location
- gainesville, ga.
Working on the hazard lights, brought me to the "flasher relay", which KNOW WHERE does it say where that thing is, well after moving everything under the hood, still NO FR, in the end I found it, the black thing on the left in the cab, up towards the dash, spent a hour looking for it, why in helll would it be there instead of being with the rest of the electrical hardware, at this point frustration REALLY set in, closed up for the day, if I had not shutdown, there was a good chance "it" might have been burnt to the ground, or just cut EVERY wire I could find and just rewire everything, as it is I have to trace EVERY wire with my test light to make sure that it is good from point a to point b, if not, find out where the rat had dinner and fix it., if the flasher relay is REALLY the flasher, why not call it a flasher, I spent forever looking for a relay, another thing, on AMERICAN military vehicles, they have the wire numbers on the wires about every 6", this makes fixing wiring sorta easy, on this foreign crap the wire numbers are ONLY at the connection, NOTHING between the connections, just a bunch of unmarked wires which makes it real hard to repair dinner.Page 3-166 of the -20 is a schematic of the hazard warning lights system, now this makes all 4 corners and the dash lights flash, now looking at this IMPORTANT find, I saw that the brake lights go though relay H and then then what is called the "HAZARD WARNING SWITCH" now the thought is since the the hazard warning lights aka turn signals are flashing due to the HWS, the the HWS MUST be the turn signal flash control, da. NOW look on page 3-111 of the -20 at the schematic for trouble shooting the right turn signal not working, please tell me WHERE the HWS is, because I am so old that me eyes must have missed it on the VERY busy schematic.
The above just reinforces my very INTENSE feelings about this truck, it is a MAJOR POS and a insult to trucks being called a "truck", I have more names for it but the KGR will not allow it. Now going out to find and lay eyes on the HWS, then from there ???, the quest continues.
Now the good news, I now have power to the main light switch