a little more on the committee and stuff.
The committee has four dems onit that are considered targets. Meaning they will be targeted by the republicans this fall. As is the norm, anything that looks or smells like a fee increase they all vote no on.
The Chairman hates new plate bills. Illinois has more types of license plates than any other state. And they have ben trying to slow that down. So getting passed the Chairman was a job, but it was explained that this was to get them out of paying commercial truck rates, and the best way to do that was to take them out and give them a seperate plate.
Along with the pictures of trucks he got it and we pitched it as a fee reduction bill on registrations, not a plate bill.
He then alerted me to the fact that the staff analisys was calling it a new plate and portraying it as a new fee so he would let it be heard, but might not vote for it unless we really needed the vote to get it out of committee.
I met with staff, and pointed out the fee reductions, noting that it did not increase fees, but in fact cut them. By $2000 for a vehicle going over 65,000 GVWR. and the trailer plate reductions.
They changed their analisys. I then spoke with the committee staff and they told me about the targets being pulled off. I explained the fee reductions and he said he would take it back up the food chain.
The math at this point was simple. We needed 10 votes to get out of committee. Our sponsor, worked the republican members on the floor during session, while I saw them at their office. We had 6 plus I saw two dems that would vote with us. So if we got all 8 repubs, and the two dems were in committee, we had the votes.
Made contact with the last two repubs on cell phone and was looking good. before the start of the committee, I spoke with two more Chicago dems and they said they would help out.
Committee staff came in and told the the target watch that was placed on the bill had been removed so it should be clear sailing. two of the targets had said they wanted to vote for the bill.
Dave Winters the sponsor, explained the bill and the fee reductions. their is a big re-enactment that happens in his district outside of rockford every uear and he thinks it cool so I wanted to help out and made the pitch. I was there to answer questions. We were set to roll with the vote and no questions until Major General (ret) Rep. Dave Harris wanted to ask a question. Di I happen to own one of these vehicles?
Yes a M35A3 duece and a half was my responce. He then tried to explain a duce tot he committee, during which I held up my ipad with a picture of my truck on it.
The bill then passed on an attendance roll call with all voting for the bill.
it is now on second reading in the house and with no further amendments, we hope to get a vote on it next week or the week after. Depending on when they get to that order of business on the calendar. With no state agency opposing us, and no other types of opposition, I predict it will pass with over 100 votes (there are 118 in the House).
Getting the chairman to agree to calling the bill, and getting the state agencies off our backs has made the rest easy.