Are you thinking of pulling that old 6x6 out of the bush to see if you can get it running?
Did you hear, ...... if you pour marvel oil, a mix of brake fluid and acetone, diesel fuel or other magic mix in the spark plug holes for a soak that 'she might loosen up'.
This 1st engine came into the 1st Service Battalion in 1984. They did a compression check, obviously put a few new parts on it for trouble shooting then stuffed it in a box.
What do ya think folks, is she a keeper?

The oil on the outside of the engine was partly caused by the valve cover gasket installation missing the mark. Mattech, the frozen temperature engine strippen' motivation guy, discovered the valve cover gasket installing fella was a little sloppy.
Part of the reason she had low compression on number 2 showed up in the head gasket.
There's still a ton of optimism with a few of the engines having rebuild tags that say they haven't been bored out. The new or slightly used parts we're finding are a bonus.

This came out of one of the parts blocks. Can someone explain what was going on in the engine when this happened?