Can i buy new glow plugs and put them in my M1009, or do i need to do the straight 12volts.
I put 60g's in my m1008 that was milspec and they ran fine. I recently did the gp resistor bypass and they seem to run slightly better. They now cycle one time for about 10-15 seconds whereas before they would cycle a couple of times.
All I did for the resistor bypass was remove the resister and move the wire to the 12 volt junction (diamond looking thingy). I had to change the connector as the new location has a bigger bolt.
Everything else runs the same and this was confirmed by doghead.
EDIT- If you use 60g's I would change the gp connector to the insulated kind of the right size. NAPA has them as I am sure other auto parts stores. Why, because my old connectors were 26 years old and I didn't want to grind on my new plugs.