Of the 4 MEP-701A gens I bought last year 2 worked fine and 2 were in need of parts.
One had no battery.
Three had dead batteries.
One had a Yanmar transplant that was not completed. The motor appears to have zero hours on it. There was almost no soot in the muffler when I started it up. The starter wire stud was stripped on the starter. It was also missing the two covers from the fuel tank end of the ASK box.
One still had fuel and oil. If fired up in about 1 second and made good power immediately.
One had no fluids but also started pretty quickly when fed fuel and oil. It made good power.
One had a broken scroll cover and bad fuel transfer pump (not auxillary pump but pump that feeds tank to injector pump.) THe scroll cover was $40 on ebay and I took the fuel pump apart and assembled it correctly and it worked.
I bid on 2 lots of 2 units each. One lot, the 2 units that worked without much trouble, were said to have come from pressure washer setups.
One had no battery.
Three had dead batteries.
One had a Yanmar transplant that was not completed. The motor appears to have zero hours on it. There was almost no soot in the muffler when I started it up. The starter wire stud was stripped on the starter. It was also missing the two covers from the fuel tank end of the ASK box.
One still had fuel and oil. If fired up in about 1 second and made good power immediately.
One had no fluids but also started pretty quickly when fed fuel and oil. It made good power.
One had a broken scroll cover and bad fuel transfer pump (not auxillary pump but pump that feeds tank to injector pump.) THe scroll cover was $40 on ebay and I took the fuel pump apart and assembled it correctly and it worked.
I bid on 2 lots of 2 units each. One lot, the 2 units that worked without much trouble, were said to have come from pressure washer setups.