I'm a Vietnam Vet and many of you out there are too, some from Korea, the forgotten Vets in my opinion, deserving recognition too. As far as parades and all go, I have no problem with folks playing the part, dressing in a period uniform while their enjoying their MV, parade or casual week-end or what-not. But don't BS me with a Eddie Murphy ....oh yea, I was in Duck wow, and bing moo, and wang chung etc. you will only embaress yourself, I was there and I'll know when the BS starts rising, as will just about any Vet. I just thought I'd get that out of the way first.....now I want to finish off my Deuce with the proper letters and unit designation and being a Vet ofcourse I'll be wanting to do it up in my in-country #'s The unit I was in there. I guess it realy makes no difference if you go authentic or not, after all they were all de-comissioned units, and in private hands. I would avoid the door printing (for official use only) from a legal standpoint, it may be cause for a roust by Law Enforcement....or not, but on a military reservation it would ... But really there are more important issues to adress first on your unit, like road-worthiness and such, the last thing should be the paintjob, and then its finished. But we may not all have the same intention for these MV's and get novelty paintjobs, like the one here on the forum painted BLUE CAMO......cool enough, but hardly authentic or the Red Ex-Firetrucks, or the White Watertrucks, Black Guntrucks etc.