Was it the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) that started this problem? We should call them and ask. It never hurts to ask. Here's the Vermont Rep from the AAMVA group that appears to be making the biggest difference in our MV drive time. Her name is Wanda Minoli and she happens to be the Commissioner for the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles.
AAMVA is a non-governmental, voluntary, tax-exempt, nonprofit educational association. AAMVA is a private corporation which strives to develop model programs in motor vehicle administration, police traffic services, and highway safety.
Usually the contact page doesn't have direct phone numbers but Vermont is transparent and wants to serve the public.
The AAMVA is a collective of brilliant heads of transportation just like Wanda. 'They' could be very helpful in deflecting legislation to prolong our MV life if we have some support from their board.......but looking through their website, they are going to be the people who administer our future.
AAMVA is a non-governmental, voluntary, tax-exempt, nonprofit educational association. AAMVA is a private corporation which strives to develop model programs in motor vehicle administration, police traffic services, and highway safety.
This particular Executive Order (EO) spells out some details on how 'they'.......the folks that want dirty vehicles off the road.......are going to begin.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to promote
""""""""Section 1. Policy. America must lead the world on clean and efficient cars and trucks. That means bolstering our domestic market by setting a goal that 50 percent of all new passenger cars and light trucks sold in 2030 be zero-emission vehicles, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles. """""""""
That EO was found among other info with the very folks that might be responsible for poking the MV Bear.
AAMVA is a non-governmental, voluntary, tax-exempt, nonprofit educational association. AAMVA is a private corporation which strives to develop model programs in motor vehicle administration, police traffic services, and highway safety.
""""""" The Executive Office of the President issues executive actions to guide federal agency and department heads. Executive actions with impact to the motor vehicle and law enforcement community can be found below. """"""""
Vermont is in Region 1 and if you want to find out who is going to be responsible for extending your MV drive time in your region, they're right here.
AAMVA is a non-governmental, voluntary, tax-exempt, nonprofit educational association. AAMVA is a private corporation which strives to develop model programs in motor vehicle administration, police traffic services, and highway safety.
We're 10 days away from our New Year 2023 and 2190 days away from 2030. How many more days do we have? Instead of pulling us over and running up the fines, 'they' should be escorting us.