One thing I should point out, even though it has been alluded to before...
With ITS you DO NOT GET A TITLE. At least not in this case. When he said I had 'plates and registration' on the way - I asked about the title. He said "You take what you are being sent and THEN go to your local DMV and apply for a title".
What? Did I miss something here?
That only means MORE $$$ TO BE SPENT!!!
I went back and looked at the VT DMV site but unless I am reading it incorrectly, they seem to make two contradictory statements in this summary - but maybe someone here can help clarify for me?
The first statement says NO TITLE for vehicles over 15 years old, while further down it says a title will be sent if you own it free and clear.
OR - is it that if your vehicle falls into the criteria in the box (less than 15 years old) - that is the only way you get a title?
Legislation passed in the 1996 session of Legislature changed motor vehicle title requirements. Vermont now titles all vehicles fifteen (15) years old or newer (based on calendar year).
For example ....
If you are registering a vehicle (for the first time in Vermont) in the following time periods:
January 1, 2009 thru December 31, 2009
January 1, 2010 thru December 31, 2010
January 1, 2011 thru December 31, 2011
The issuance of a title will not be required for the following model years (because they would be more than 15 years old at the time of registration):
January 1, 2009 thru December 31, 2009 =
1994 or older
January 1, 2010 thru December 31, 2010 =
1995 or older
January 1, 2011 thru December 31, 2011 =
1996 or older
The State of Vermont titles all vehicles (as defined above) except:
- Trailers with empty weight of 1,500 lbs. or less
- Motorcycles with engine size smaller than 300 cubic centimeters
- ATV's/Mopeds
- Tractors with loaded weight 6,099 lbs. or less
If there is no loan on your vehicle and you own the vehicle free and clear the title will be mailed to you.
OK, so if no title is issued, and all I get is plates and registration - NOW I have to determine if WV will even accept just having a registration & plate from a different state as a means of obtaining a WV title - AND - I have to check with my insurance company to make sure that running VT plates and registration does not put me at risk for any liability in the unfortunate event of an accident.
I can see an ambulance chaser lawyer salivating over the potential $$ to be extorted over this...
As other members have pointed out - none of this would be an issue if I had purchased an MV with title in hand.
I would have GLADLY paid a little extra for an MV with a title to avoid all of this BS.
I'm gonna chalk this one up to LIVE AND LEARN