I'm down here in North Carolina, down, up......your perspective... but living here, and being out in rural country, I have plenty of opportunity for get togethers with the locals. We, they actually....drink light beer and an occasional brown or clear liquor or just soda and talk about putting up preserves, Bo's new pickup, the road widening there doing up town, that friend they knew in highschool that was just killed in a roll-over or something country related. I come from Southern California for the better part of my 57 year old life, and find it "real" out here, if your a straight shooter and honest, you'll fit right in. They like to make fun of "Yankee's" of course, but always in jest, and like their hair cut real short. Marine style short, but not all of them. They like camo pants, and sometimes shirts, and guns of course. But then they hunt with them, and eat what they hunt......not squirrels.....more like ferral Boars, 4-6" razor sharp ...ga-narley frigin tusks. That takes some intestinal fortitude to be sure. and also Deer ot turkeys. Fishing's big down here, go the coast in the Atlantic and catch 150 lbs. of croaker or whatever, throw-up a bit and fish some more. Come'a runnin when some neighbor needs help, and add patriotic to their list of things to be. It's not too racial, that is, the N word is used, but its not used to degrade, more just a discriptive adjective, nothing more. If they dont like you, thats not the term they use, its much worse. The races just get along.....thats just what it is about, nothing novel. So to be and live REDNECK, well you call what you want, but it's a dang comfortable and safe feeling way to live. You dont see us sweating some "big Apocalypse Zombie fall of government and society" naaaa just a "what you planting next season" or something like that, or so & so's got so & so for sale over at Mt. Crogan flea market or some such thing. For Me.........I like to say, when I meet people and they ask, "hows it go'in" ... I just say I'm just slum'in it, wearing my MISMATCHED Camo pants, shirt and shoes, just white trash.........................REDNECK truck??? My Deuce ??? ......................shure' nuff