Just checking to see what everyone's thoughts are now on the ads?
Looks great, havn't seen a popup add since you made the announcement. Which is good as they were starting to change the button functions. People get used to just clicking the close button, so to up their click count, they simply change the close button to another open-add button And add a little X somewhere. When people who sell advertising start getting paid by the click count, instead of selling viable advertising content/products, they creat and sell click ”Opportunities”…
You probably don't have complete control over the banner content, because these have started appearing in the lower banner location. It sends you to a website called read.nextarticle.com, full of clickbait story links. Completely unrelated to military vehicles or the people who actually pay for add space on this site… obviously a deceitful tactic designed to hook the unsuspecting into adding to someones click count…
I started this because of a past experience I had as a moderator on a motorcycle website A very long time ago. Someone started in on the site really going to popup hell. I wasn’t seeing what they were talking about and I contacted the forum owner. He knew nothing about it, and had not done anything to add advertising(he accepted donations But didn’t sell tiered service). Using a different network, I went to the forum and signed up as a new user, and was immediately bombarded with add links. Unannounced, the forum engine provider had added advertising to our motorcycle forum and configured it so those with admin privileges wouldn't ever see it…
Thanks for listening, and looking at this.