Balancing beads? What do you guys think about balancing beads in tires? Are they working? Stainless? Tempered Glass? Ceramic?
I don't believe they do spit. But no one seems to be be on the page I'm on so.... FWIW.
Not one person I'm aware of has actually done a before/after of *just* beads and reported the results - not because no one has done that - because a bunch of people have done that and it basically does nothing but lighten your wallet and waste your time. So not worth reporting a failure.
That's not to say that ALL tires won't have balancing issues but Goodyear's own engineers agree with me. It's not a balance problem it's an off-center and out-of-round problem and no amount of beads will fix it.
After about 5k miles they behave themselves. They will SUCK at first and gradually learn their manners but you HAVE to drive. Daily if possible or they get flat spots. And they will never be perfect till they are about worn out and nice and hot from driving. Then they will be perfect - just in time for a new set.
It's not as bad as I make it out. You get about 20-25k smooth miles. It's the first 4-5k that sucks.