Ok a little slow getting back on here but here goes.
Went up on Wednesday to inspect truck and grab batteries. - Worked out well. 6-7 hrs drive and 2 hrs actually there but did what I needed.
Got out around 4:30am on Thursday and headed that way. One small unintended route change through waco (thanks apple maps) and we got there about 8:30am
Just knew the kids would love it there. - They were 'wow' for all of ten minutes then ipads and iphones in the car. Think I'm gonna ground them out doors in the near future.
Batteries on, Powered up in less then a second - first try!
As for changing the front tire - There are no words . . . . Without that huge socket wrench from davo727 I would not have stood a chance.
I'm a fairly big guy at 235 and I was standing on it bouncing. - Spare had no pressure but looks new. Aired up, drove out and bought another tire and wheel for 250.
Truck ran like a champ for the first 150 miles. Then . . .
Power started dropping climbing hills to 1k or 1500 and 15-30. Then would surge back to 2k + and 55-60
Truck read 3/4 tank when picked up
Added 40bucks and stopped just because I figured it was more than enough.
Wondering if bad Fuel?
Added more fuel (another 40) and it ran great for about 25 miles.
Last 5 miles were same up and down.
Cranked friday easy but didnt move
Saturday harder -didnt move
Sunday not at all - tried draining filter and it had little to nothing in it. 6 oz of fuel maybe
Its parked on an incline hood high.
Prime doesn't seem to be priming. - Doesn't seem to be getting fuel.
Didn't have enough battery to really do more than 5 short turns or so.
Got behind on company business picking up truck - I run a brass and ammo company - so I had to spend the day today on that. Hope to get back to truck on wednesday.
Doing a turtle charge now. One at a time. Should take a while and be a better recharge.
Will send update and pics tomorrow.
btw. - one guy there bought 12 trucks.
Oh and just my luck, belts, every filter, tires, everything that I can tell, was changed just before it blew that front tire.
And now they are three years old