I typically unplug my ECU when I'm not using the CTIS (in hopes to prolong its lifespan) but I hate the look of it and was going to just cut the power wire going to the ECU and install a switch so I can just turn it on or off when needed. Would there be any problem or reason I shouldn't do this. I do manually check the tire pressures regularly. I also check tire pressures after a deflating and reinflating them, always seem to have one not up to pressure and I just air it up individually with an air hose.
Also it looks like pin H is the power supply for the ECU, is this an accurate statement?
Well thats exactly what they did on the A1, a CTIS power switch. Depending on your vehicle, pin H may or may not be the power. I think they used power applied to various pins or combinations of pins from the sub harness to configure the CTIS controller for different applications. Different mode pressures, different fill time limits for 4 vs 6 wheels ect… I would not worry so much about the pin, I would look upstream to wire number 03 in the CTIS sub harness, or wire 1911 which carries the 24v ign power from CB40 and switch that…. see A1 drawing below, CTIS sw circled in red. The other contacts on the switch feed a “CTIS off“ light in the annunciator panel. the A0 uses the same wire numbers 03 in the CTIS harness and 1911 on the main wiring…
Switching the power on or off with a standalone sw or with the 24v ign relay using the main switch is the same thing.
I think the issue with jumpstarting is that because of the unpredictable battery and loading state, there is a real potential for spikes caused by the alternator when you unplug the jumpstart cable… alternator regulators are not very smart. It is the battery, like a filter capacitor on a power supply that stabelizes the output… This may have been the inspiration for adding the switch on the A1…