So, yesterday, I looked forever trying to find para 2-40. I finally realized I was in the 6x6 manuals which are all I have on my work comp and I'm sure you're looking at the 4x4. So, let's give this another shot since I have the 4x4 manuals now. Yes, the para is paragraph, or that's my interpretation but in the manuals, they're actually titled 'page', 'section' or 'chapter'. There's a "How to use this manual' section at the front of each manual. I'm sure there are better ways to find stuff than I understand but I've never read that section; I'm not one for instructions.
Look at page 1 of each manual, it will have the sections by numbers, look at Volume 3 for a better example. Unfortunately, there are some hidden sections, by hidden, I mean, not listed on Page 1. And in your example, para 2-40 is one of those that's harder to find. The paragraphs/sections you're looking for are in the maintenance sections, not the troubleshooting. Volume 1 is all troubleshooting. If you go to Volume 2, on page 1, it looks like all of Volume 2 is troubleshooting save for the last section, engine maintenance. If you click the link for Engine maintenance, section 3-1 then scroll up, you'll find your para 2-40 on page 1142. I think they're referring to one or more of the paragraphs in that section which don't appear to be very helpful; "fix the connector".
Sections 13, 14, & 15 are also kind of hidden (not shown on page 1), they're at the end of Volume 3.
Para 7-10 and 7-11 are a lot easier to find. Both are in Volume 3. On page 1: look at electrical system maintenance, section 7-1. Perhaps others are luckier than me but whenever I click a link in the TMs, any of them, it always brings me 1 page too far. If it's the same for you then click the link to section 7-1 and scroll up. There will be a table of contents for all of section 7 (page 235) including both 7-10 & 7-11
I hope that helps. I've written a lot of O&M manuals with links and references and nothing near the complexity of these TMs. Color me impressed! I feel the utmost sorrow (and thankful) for the person/people who had to write compile these things.