No power. Black smoke. Rechecked timing and TPS and all correct.
Spoke to Steve and worked with Hummer H1.
Eric and I had disconnected the exhaust early on for other reasons. Yesterday I reconnected. Suddenly no power. Timing and throttle sensor were checked. Still issues. Texted with Steve and discussed with Eric. Then based on their advice I dropped at the turbo end and held open with a screwdriver. Power returned turbo spun up and whistled, and power came back. Blocked exhaust. Should be easy enough fix.
Thanks RWH and Mogman and everyone else. Thanks Eric for all your insight and help.
Tomorrow gonna remove entire exhaust system and fix.
Got a lot of other stuff done. Removed the damned oil cooler. Torch heat and still had to easy out one bolt. Stupid soft metal screws with shallow hex heads hold the thing in place. What a farking stupid design. Hammered star screwdrivers into another to remove. Eric machined some bolts into flathead screws for us to resecure the new unit. New unit screw points were a mm too narrow, making securing it another adventure. At least the stack was clean.