I don't own a 1010, however I asked a good friend of mine that restorted his. His reply;
"2 Small red cross panels that attach to air conditioning unit are 4"x 4"
2 Side panels that have the cadeceus stencil are 12" x 12"
2 Side large red cross panels are 39" x 39"
2 Rear door red cross panels are 18" x 18"
1 Roof is 64" x 64" but sheet alum is not available that big, so we went
without. Only deuce drivers can see up there anyway."
"Since the panels were already painted gloss white, we lightly sanded them
with a fine grit sandpaper and then painted them Rustoleum Flat White.
The red is Rustoleum Regal Red and only came in gloss finish. Our
solution was to add baby powder to the paint to counter act the gloss. TM
specs say that the panels should be flat and not gloss, which is why we
did this. It did smell good, so that was an added bonus."
I will see if I can get over to his place in the next week or so and snap a few close up pictures for you to see how they are attached to the rig.
I hope this helps you.