The truck starts off 24volts doesn't it and the 12v is for accessories and random components? I was going to have two batteries for starting and the other 4 for 12v accessories. Is this not common?
Wow, completely missed this thread. It is not 12 and 24, it is 12 out of the middle of 24, as such, the alternator is designed to operate as a balancer, and to deliberately mis-match the battery is an extraordinarily bad thing to do…
12V doesn’t just power accessories and random components, it is all your lighting load, about 26A on a 1078, over 30A on a 1079. You only have about 60A max available on 12V and half of it is spoken for with that. Batteries are not power sources, they are temporary storage devices and ultimately loads. Because of the situation on these vehicles 12V is the last place I would ever add any load…
A standard lead acid battery wants 25% of the AH capacity in amps for the bulk charging phase(45% for AGM’s) the original battery was 240AH, so the battery is looking for 60A all by itself. Since you are pulling 25A for lights, the 12V is already 150% loaded. If the 12V side is pulling all it’s 60A, that only leaves 40A for the 12-24 side. Well it is also 240AH and is wanting 60A, so that side is now 150% loaded. That large a bank takes a lot of time to charge, so you got a long sweaty charging session ahead of you if the batteries get behind. Those alts are going for north of $2K these days, so…
The A0‘s also have a 12V vampire load, so it has always been a challenge keeping the 12V side at full state of charge with limited run hours. Batteries not kept fully charged sulfate and die long before they should..
The grossely oversized battery bank is the prime reason these vehicles have so many battery and charging issues.. This is the kind of error that class action lawsuits are made of, but get a pass in the land of milspec. They put a bandaid on it with the LBCD on the A1, but didn’t really fix it until the A1R with the introduction of the 260A alt, but they also fielded AGM’s about that time, so it didn’t really fix the root mis-match issue.
Cat specced a pair of group 31 batteries for these engines, and the 100A alt is a good match for a ~100AH battery bank When you factor in lighting loads.
I would wire a pair of batteries like this…