to jwaller in this string...
no offense, but what part of "...cutting up everything as they get to it...", and, "...get rid of everything military, (via) scrap or sale whichever comes first..." don't you understand?
In other words, yes they will scrap the M125 if you don't get your ass up there to save it!
I sugested they donate it to a legion or VFW but all they see is scrap $$$$.
They also have a few WW2-era items... I saw a rare original GMC cargo-dump deuce and a halftrack. They said there were more things like that. Call them.
Tons of 3/4T stuff and up. M37's, M880's M886's, deuces, 5t's, 10T's, in gas & diesel, in most all model configurations. And GOERS and semitrailers and some tracked items. He has about 75 acres full of stuff. They do part stuff out if you need something, but they are more interested in selling entire pieces because they'd rather spend their time cutting and crushing while the prices are high. Do you blame them????