We ran night convoys all over the Qui Nhon area, some called em shuttles but we loaded the trucks for the day time convoys, we usually ran 10 truck convoys and then added a gun truck for convoys over the 10 trucks, these convoys were the pits---seemed to get hit a bunch and we lost some good men, they were not over the road so much but were short hops within 10 or 15 miles all night long, we ran through the countryside to Qui Nhon, the ammo dump, or anywhere else the were supplies to moved, If I remember right it seems like the roads were closed from around 11 or 12 at night to around 5 in the morning, we would try and get the gun truck outside the gates when the road closed so we could be out in the ville all night and then pick up our convoy when the roads open----here is some pics from a night convoy of April 25th 1970 minus the gun jeep that was destroyed, the group photo is of the night drivers at the time-----------RIP John Mattox and Mason Ragland----------------------Driver