What a pain in the bootie today was. Dad found a set of 6 flywheel bolts for sale online for about $26 including shipping. We spent over 3 hours today yanking that stupid engine out of the parts truck for two lousy bolts. However, as Dad pointed out, we would have to wait a week if we ordered them.
Note in some of the pictures the big can of shoots-from-27-feet-away wasp spray. Yes, they had made nests in the parts truck. And I am dead-on accurate with that thing, too. Can't abide wasps, they're mean. Put my hand down on a little bunch of dried thistles, and had to sit there for a minute and pick them out, because I could no longer fold my palm up over a wrench. And yes, I would like some crackers and cheese with my whine.
Thank God for parts trucks, and tractors, and a shop full of tools, and most of all Dad, who is insanely patient over all this. Except about the gaskets we found - he's still mad about that.