Yeah I got it, had to disconnect the belts from the alternator and tip it to the frame to see in the hole. It is a philips, but it didnt' make any difference. It only turns one complete revolution. All the way counter clockwise was 24.46 volts and all the way clockwise went down to 24.11 volts. Those voltages were at the battery. I will do the other checks at the regulator, but I think we wind up having to replace something. Did you change out the regulator? Did that take care of it? Where did you get the regulator? And last question, why did you take a chance at buying a regulator and it possibly not fixing the problem when you can go with the Delco 21si for like $110 + shipping? Was there something about the replacement that steered you to trying a new regulator? Oops, I asked one more question. Thanks for the help!