I haven't tried shifting into low range yet. I have had plenty of entertainment with crossed air lines on my brakes and need to fix one thing at a time in proper order. I would never have figured any of this auto engage thing out without this post unless it was the hard way. This fix is on my list now, thanks guys. I have a lot of black electrical tape 'fixes' that I take as clue to a rig job. I am removing all of it and verifying its right before I give the connection a solder, clean, and polyolefin shrink tube. Anybody that knows what they are doing or cares at all would not twist wires together and black tape over the twist on a wire going to an alternator as I found on my 923. Its the alternator in a tough environment, not the horn, so why not a little more effort? Depot sabotage is harder to recognize than the often obvious PVT Pyle sabotage. Thanks again all.