For giggles I went to CL and tried to guess the right search listing for your area of 'Central Florida'. If it's any consolation, your prices and conditions down there aren't any worse than ours up here. Unless you find a great deal, they've gone up in price. Nevertheless, the extra couple of $ for the 101 in price, recovery ride, or both makes it just a much smarter choice for a light truck. A couple of extra $ on the front end will pay off handsomely in usage. I love my 101.
FWIW, my friend Art towed my 105 about 10 miles on local streets w/ his CUCV to store it and he positively swore off it as well as at it. On his Deuce, he loves it. I've towed a snowblower and Mule in separate trips in my Econoline/105 rig and wouldn't put more than 1000 lbs in it on a bet. Even then I'd be vewwy, vewwy conservative about speed, road conditions, following distances, trip distances, etc., and I'd take zero chances. Common sense says it's just too much trailer overhead for the vehicle for general use, and it could go into business for itself in the blink of an eye.
The worst part, as I've written a couple of times, is that it tows so nicely that you can easily forget what's chasing you and get complacent, speed up, loose your focus, and then bingo - it could bite you.