Thank-you sir. Oil and fuel filters
I use NAPA Gold # 1004 (or equal) for the oil filter. Canister on low side of engine opposite starter side (and on same side as fuel filters). Single bolt holds down lid, 3/4" hex head. Remove bolt and lid and pull old filter. IIRC there's a 1/8" NPT brass plug that can be loosened to drain the housing as found on MEP-002A & MEP-003A units but I'm not certain-out of state a few days and away from shop. If not just get a suction rig & pull out the old oil from the housing and wipe out with clean rags. Pay attention to washers and spring and how they're installed. Don't mix up the orientation or location of these parts. If you get mixed refer to tech manual or see instruction sheet that comes with the NAPA filter. Install new filter into housing and gasket on underside of housing lid. (Clean lid thoroughly before installing new gasket.) Make sure gasket is correctly positioned & apply clean 15/40 oil to contact surfaces, then install retaining bolt through the lid & tighten. I don't have torque reading handy but I'd guess 35-40 foot pounds. maybe a little higher. These will leak if not tightened enough but don't over tighten either! You didn't ask about draining the oil pan so I won't address that, but it's self explanatory once you see the arrangement.
The first (and smaller height) fuel filter is a cleanable strainer assembly. Loosen acorn nut at the bottom and then remove the housing. It will likely be rusty and nasty but clean it out as needed (if rusty I soak overnight or a couple days in white vinegar to remove the rust.) The strainer plates can be cleaned with WM brake cleaner or carb cleaner, then blow out with compressed air. Remove & replace o-ring at the top. When housing is clean & dry apply 15/40 oil to oil surfaces and top of housing area that mates with the o-ring, then install housing and tighten acorn nut.
For the primary fuel filter I use 10 micron NAPA Gold 3512 (or equal). Loosen top bolt and remove housing (5/8" hex IIRC). Have something underneath to catch residual fuel. Clean out housing internal surfaces. Remove and install o-ring inside groove on top mounting plate. Apply clean 15/40 oil to o-ring & top of filter housing. Install new filter into housing and align filter housing to bolt at the top & tighten by hand until the housing makes contact with the o-ring. Then use wrench to tighten.
For the secondary filter I use 6 micron NAPA Gold 3540 (or equal). Follow same steps as above for removal & reinstall of new filter.
Once filters are installed then you need to bleed the system. After system is properly bled all the way to and through the injectors then start up the engine at governed speed and
immediately check for oil leaks.(If not installed properly, the oil filter gasket can dump a lot of oil in a few seconds so always check this location first.) Then check for any fuel leaks at each of the three housings and tighten as necessary to stop leaks. If leaks don't stop with further tightening you probably have an o-ring or gasket off position or damaged.
As others have said, read and read again the tech manuals, first the operator's manual then the depot maintenance manual for more in-depth work.