As I posted before I upgraded the diodes in my voltage regulator and it worked and operates as it’s suppose to. The 5408 diodes can take a 1000V hit versus the 5404 which were limited by 400V. Theoretically that’s high enough that they should never burn up. I also added the MOV for additional protection and my generator already had the fuse mod. Here are the steps.
1) Properly label and then remove the 8 wires from the voltage regulator.
2) Remove the regulator from your generator.
3) Drill out the 4 rivets on the sides and remove the cover.
4) Remove the 4 screws on the back.
5) Remove the guts from the case. Then remove the two small screws, one on each side of the metal heat sink, that connect a transistor to the heat sink.
6) Remove the 4 screws holding the heat sink to the electronic board.
7) At this point you should see 4 diodes all next to each other. You want to unsolder and replace each diode with the new 5408 diodes. BE ESPECIALLY CAREFUL TO REINSTALL THE DIODES IN THE SAME DIRECTION YOU TOOK THEM OFF!!! Match the white line on the diode to line depicted on the board.

Next to the 4 diodes is another rectangle shaped component glued down on top of the fifth diode. Carefully cut the glue and pry the component up to expose that diode. Replace it with a 5408 taking the same precautions as before.
9) Now you just have to reassemble and test it out.
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